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Self-Paced Courses

Name Category Credit Hours Price
Recording only, No CE) Mind-Body Connection: Why We Practice Yoga in ED Treatment
Amy Fogarty, DNP, RN, C-IAYT, RYT 500, YACEP Becky Pike, MSW, LICSW
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Krista Crotty, LMFT, PsyD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) The Cultural Culinary Challenge: Managing Varying Nutritional Needs in Eating Disorders Care
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) MD 101
Anna B. Tanner, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, CEDS-S
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) RD 101
Shena Washburn, RDN, CD, CEDRD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) ARFID 101
Preeti Matkins, M.D., FAAP, FSAHM
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Distracted and Disordered: Understanding the Overlap Between ADHD and Eating Disorders
Kelly Pertzsch, MA, LPCC
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Not Just a Phase: Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Anna B. Tanner, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, CEDS-S
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) The Family Dynamic: When an Eating Disorder is in the Family System
Krista Crotty, LMFT, PsyD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Beyond Picky Eating: Transdisciplinary Treatment Strategies for Treating Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Anna B. Tanner, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, CEDS-S Leah Graves RDN, LDN, CEDRD-S, FAED
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Moving into Attunement: Joyful Movement is Possible
Stacy Schilter Pisano LMFT, CEDS-S Shena Washburn, RDN, CD, CEDRD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Hiding in Plain Sight: Eating Disorders in Cis Males
Anna B. Tanner, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, CEDS-S
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Inviting the Body Back: When and How to Reintroduce Intuitive Eating in Eating Disorder Treatment
M. Hilmar Wagner, MPH, RDN, LN, CD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Comorbid Psychiatric Conditions: An Evidence-Based Guide to Treatment
Scott Crow, MD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free
(Recording only, No CE) Binge Eating 101
M. Hilmar Wagner, MPH, RDN, LN, CD
Webinar Recordings (Not Eligible for CEs) 0 Free

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