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(Recording only, No CE) RD 101

About this course

Our society is saturated with messages about diet culture and weight bias. These pervasive messages even extend into the healthcare field, making it difficult for Registered Dietitians to navigate nutrition conversations with clients in eating disorder recovery. In this course, we will review key concepts in nutrition for the treatment of eating disorders and practical methods of application for the Registered Dietitian. This will include nutrition assessment, common nutrition therapy practices, tools, and interventions. Please reach out to outreach@accanto.com with questions.

Course Instructor(s)

  • Shena Washburn, RDN, CD, CEDRD

    Shena Washburn is the Senior Director of Clinical Nutrition and Culinary Services at Accanto Health. She has 15 years of experience in the field of nutrition, mental health and eating disorders and is recognized by the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (IAEDP) as a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and Consultant (CEDS-C). Shena is passionate about supporting individuals in their eating disorder recovery to find a balanced and sustainable relationship with food, movement, and their body, and building strong collaborative multi-disciplinary teams.

CE Process Info


  • Materials
    2 parts
    • Webinar recording 1
    • RD 101 Powerpoint Slides
(Recording only, No CE) RD 101
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  • Type
  • Publication Date
    Mar 25th, 2024

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