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(Recording only, No CE) Inviting the Body Back: When and How to Reintroduce Intuitive Eating in Eating Disorder Treatment

About this course

Please enjoy a recording of this event hosted by Accanto Health and presented by Hilmar Wagner, MPH, RDN, CD, LN. Intuitive eating can be an important and effective method for recovery from an eating disorder (ED). However, this approach isn’t recommended for most ED clients until further into the recovery process. In this presentation, we will cover what intuitive eating involves, why it can be an effective adjunct to ED recovery efforts, and when and how to assist clients in employing this approach to support them in reconnecting with their internal hunger and satiety cues. Please reach out to outreach@accanto.com with questions.

Learning Levels

  • Intermediate level course

Target Audience

This educational presentation is designed for mental health professionals, dietitians, social workers, and health care providers.

Course Instructor(s)

  • M. Hilmar Wagner, MPH, RDN, LN, CD

    Hilmar Wagner is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN), licensed in Minnesota and Washington State. Hilmar has experience working in a variety of clinical, outpatient, community, and management settings. Hilmar joined The Emily Program in 2006 and has served in a number of clinical and management roles, both at the site, regional and organization-wide levels. He currently serves as a Clinical Outreach Specialist. In this role Hilmar has presents on a wide range of eating disorder and related nutrition topics at local, regional, and national conferences. Hilmar received his bachelor’s degree in Nutrition/Dietetics and Master’s in Public Health Nutrition from the University of Minnesota. He has worked in the field of eating disorders for the past 17 years. Hilmar has extensive experience working with clients of all eating disorder diagnoses in both individual and group settings. He has a particular interest in the application of mindfulness and body-centered, somatic approaches to the nutritional treatment of eating disorders.


Accanto Health, the parent company of The Emily Program, Veritas Collaborative, and Gather Behavioral Health, is the sole planner and provider of all courses, content, and continuing education credits. This program is made possible with support from The Emily Program Foundation. This course DOES NOT provide ASWB ACE CE Credits.

CE Process Info


  • Materials
    4 parts
    • Webinar recording 1
    • Presentation Slides
    • Hunger and Fullness Scale
    • Intuitive Eating Scale-2
(Recording only, No CE) Inviting the Body Back: When and How to Reintroduce Intuitive Eating in Eating Disorder Treatment
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  • Type
  • Publication Date
    Mar 25th, 2024

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