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Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

CE Hours 1.5

About this live event

Join us for a complimentary continuing education event hosted by Accanto Health. Presented by Krista Crotty, LMFT, PsyD. During this presentation, we will review common ethical principles as they apply to mental health and eating disorder treatment. The primary goal of this session is to start a dialogue among eating disorder treatment providers and to develop a forum to support each other with difficult decisions relating to eating disorder treatment. We will also discuss involuntary hospitalizations as well as the risks of remaining at a lower level of care when a higher level of care is clinically and medically indicated. At the culmination of the workshop, participants will walk through a series of ethical dilemmas and discuss how to problem-solve.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the 8 common ethical principles that are utilized in problem-solving ethical dilemmas
  • Identify how to improve patient resistance to treatment and/or recommendations and leave with new strategies to implement in the treatment setting
  • Apply a framework with which to clinically and psychologically understand why patients at times to desire to remain at a lower level of care

Learning Levels

  • Intermediate level course

Live event Instructor(s)

  • Krista Crotty, LMFT, PsyD

    Krista is The Director of Clinical Outreach Education and Brain-Based Therapy at Accanto Health. Clinically, she draws from a variety of methods including TBT-S, EMDR, cognitive behavioral therapy, FBT, and acceptance and commitment therapy and often incorporates the use of the creative process in conjunction with the more traditional therapeutic process. She earned her Master of Science from Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Psychology and her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in family and pediatrics from Azusa Pacific University. She trained at Harbor UCLA medical center and Loma Linda Children's Hospital in neuropsych. Away from work, Krista loves being a mom to her three boys, playing outside, going on adventures with her family, skiing, hiking, biking, and camping.

  • Kate Norris, JD

    Kate is the General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of Accanto Health, the parent company of Veritas Collaborative and The Emily Program, leading the Legal, Compliance, and Medical Records functions. She studied law at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in the Twin Cities and worked in a variety of capacities within the medical device industry, legal technology, and public defense prior to joining The Emily Program 5 years ago. She is a current adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas School of Law and a frequent speaker in university classes and various legal and compliance conferences. Kate has a passion for expanding access to care for adults and adolescents with eating disorders and works closely with government entities in her work to achieve that objective.


Accanto Health, the parent company of The Emily Program and Gather Behavioral Health, is the planner and provider of all courses, content, and continuing education credits. These educational programs are made available to the public free of charge through the financial support of The Emily Program Foundation.

CE Process Info

Each professional is responsible for the individual requirements as stipulated by their licensing agency. Please contact your individual licensing board/regulatory agency to review continuing education requirements for licensure renewal. Please note: You must attend "live" (in real-time) to earn CE credits. No partial credits. 

Before the event, you will receive an email from CE-Go with access to the virtual event. After the event, you will receive access to your evaluation and continuing education certificate via a personalized "attendee dashboard" link, hosted on the CE-Go website. This link and access to the virtual event will be sent to the email account you used to register for the event.

Upon accessing the CE-Go "attendee dashboard", you will be able to:

  • Complete evaluation forms for the event
  • Download your continuing education certificate in a PDF format

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the CE-Go platform, please contact CE-Go at 888-498-5578 or by email at support@ce-go.com Please Note: Emails for this event will come from "support@ce-go.com".

If you have any continuing education related questions, please contact outreach@accanto.com.

Please make sure to check your spam/junk folder in case those emails get "stuck". We'd also suggest "whitelisting" support@ce-go.com. This tells your email client that you know this sender and trust them, which will keep emails from this contact at the top of your inbox and out of the junk folder.

  • Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR)

    This activity has been approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration

  • American Psychological Association (APA)

    Accanto Health is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Accanto Health maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)

    Accanto Health has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP no. 7166. Programs that do not qualify are clearly identified. Accanto Health is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Disability Accommodation

ADA accommodations will be made in accordance with the law; please indicate your special needs when you register by sending an email to support@ce-go.com or by calling us at 888 498 5578.


1. This virtual event will be hosted via Zoom Webinar, and you may be prompted to download or upgrade your Zoom app if using a mobile device. A strong WiFi connection will be required for best quality.

2. We recommend clicking your "Join Webinar" button early and checking that your speakers are on before the event begins. Please do not worry about being seen or heard! Attendee video feeds and mics are turned off by default when entering a webinar. You will be able to ask questions via the Q&A feature.

3. Please respect that no copying, recording, or distribution of live session content is allowed. CE's are provided for the "live" sessions only. CE's will not be available for the recordings.

Where can I find my Attendee Dashboard link?

Upon registering, you should receive an email from support@ce-go.com with a link to access your Attendee Dashboard. If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folder. If you still cannot locate the email, you may retrieve your Attendee Dashboard link by clicking HERE


Grievance Policy

If a grievance arises pertaining to continuing education activities or processes, please contact outreach@accanto.com as soon as possible, so that the nature of the concern may be addressed in a timely fashion.

Grievances may include but are not limited to concerns regarding payment and refund requests, course content, workshop offerings, facilities, non-receipt of certificates, or other miscellaneous occurrences.

To read our entire grievance policy, please visit https://accanto.com/wp-content/uploads/Accanto-Health-CEU-Grievance-Policy.pdf. 

Attendance Policy

All attendance will be monitored and recorded. Due to accreditation guidelines, continuing education credit will not be awarded to participants who do not attend a presentation in its entirety. Participants not meeting this time requirement will not be awarded continuing education (CE) credits. We recommend logging on to the webinar 10 minutes prior to the session start time to earn satisfactory attendance for CE credits. 

Evaluation of each session will also be required in order to obtain any continuing education (CE) certificates. 

Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
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  • CE Hours
  • Type
    Live Interactive Webinar
  • Date
    Thu Oct 10th, 2024
  • Time
    12:30pm - 02:00pm CDT

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