Amy Fogarty, DNP, RN, C-IAYT, RYT 500, YACEP

Amy is the Director of Yoga at Accanto Health. She is also a lifelong learner, trauma-informed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and registered nurse. Amy is passionate about eating disorder recovery, facilitating yoga/mindfulness groups, and supporting the yoga team at Accanto. Some of her favorite things to share in yoga/mindfulness groups include: somatic movement practices, mindfulness practices, breath practices, yoga philosophy, therapeutic yoga postures, traditional yoga postures, and relaxation practices. Amy earned her doctorate degree in Nursing at The College of St. Scholastica and completed over 1000 hours of yoga training at Yoga North International SomaYoga Institute. She is a registered yoga teacher (E-RYT 200/RYT-500) through Yoga Alliance and a certified yoga therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She is a licensed registered nurse in Minnesota.

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