Preeti Matkins, M.D., FAAP, FSAHM

Dr. Preeti Matkins is a board-certified pediatrician with 25 years of experience, eight of which have been spent providing care for children and young adults impacted by eating disorders.

Dr. Matkins has earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and completed medical school at the top-ranked UNC School of Medicine. She is a member of the Academic Pediatric Association and a fellow of the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Prior to joining Veritas, Dr. Matkins was the medical director at Teen Health Connection, the director of adolescent medicine and the director of child maltreatment at Levine Children’s Hospital, the medical director for The Center for Disordered Eating at Teen Health Connection and the assistant program director of the Pediatrics Residency as well as the director of team nurseries at Carolinas Medical Center. She also served as a professor of pediatrics at Carolinas Medical Center and remains on staff as a clinical associate professor of pediatrics at the UNC School of Medicine.

When Dr. Matkins is not at Veritas, you may find this book-loving Charlotte native rooting for the Carolina Tar Heels or the Davidson Wildcats (her husband’s alma mater) with her two adult (and two canine) children or planning her next travel adventure.

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