Taylor Rae Homesley, LPC, CPCS, CEDS-S

Taylor Rae is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from Richmont Graduate University. Prior to attending Richmont, she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in childhood and family development from the University of Georgia. She is a Georgia approved supervisor and Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Approved Supervisor. Taylor Rae has been working with patients with eating disorder since 2012 across multiple levels of care including inpatient/residential, partial hospitalization, and outpatient treatment settings. She is currently the Executive Director at Veritas Collaboratives’ Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. Taylor Rae has served on the board of the local Atlanta iaedp Chapter since 2017 and is currently the Chapter President. Taylor Rae has a strong passion for providing evidence-based treatment while collaborating within a multidisciplinary team to provide the best care possible to patients and their families.

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