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(Recording only, No CE) Eating Disorders and College Campuses: Unique Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities

About this course

This presentation will outline circumstances that may place college students at greater risk for the development of an eating disorder. Additionally, we will discuss university resources and efforts to support students with eating disorders. Please reach out to outreach@accanto.com with questions.

Course Instructor(s)

  • Sydney Brodeur-Johnson PhD, LCP, CEDS

    Dr. Sydney Brodeur-Johnson’s passion is providing best-practice, research-informed and culturally humble treatment to patients and their families suffering with eating disorders. She is committed to increasing access to effective treatment, training professionals to deliver gold-standard care, and empowering them to be the best providers and people they can be.

    Dr. Brodeur-Johnson received her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in 2005 and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Alabama at Birmingham with a concentration in the interdisciplinary treatment of adolescents with eating disorders. She assisted with the opening of Carolina House, a residential eating disorder treatment facility in Durham, NC, and was the first Clinical Director there. From 2008 – 2019 Sydney served as the eating disorder specialist and Associate Director for Training at University Counseling Services at VCU. In that role, she maintained APA accreditation of the psychology internship program and was the administrator for the training program for students in psychology, social work, and counselor education. She also served as a member of the center’s executive team. Sydney joined Veritas Collaborative in 2019 as the Senior Director for Clinical Services. In this role she serves as a member of the senior leadership team and oversees clinical programming for Accanto Health with brands The Emily Program and Veritas Collaborative. She also serves as the Senior Director for Accanto’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Council. She is a licensed psychologist in Virginia and a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist.

    In her free time, Sydney enjoys spending time with her children and partner, being outdoors, playing with her dog, listening to music, and traveling.

CE Process Info


  • Materials
    2 parts
    • Webinar recording 1
    • EDs on College Campuses slide deck
(Recording only, No CE) Eating Disorders and College Campuses:  Unique Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities
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  • Type
  • Publication Date
    Mar 25th, 2024

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